The 5 elements ~ METAL | Los 5 elementos ~ EL METÁLICO

(versión española abajo)

The 5 elements ~ METAL

Autumn is coming. We say goodbye to the flattering warm late summer days, it becomes noticeably colder and plants, animals and people slowly retreat. The last supplies are gathered, the trees drop their leaves and some animals go into hibernation.

The forces now go inwards. Condensation and concentration are the essential qualities of the element Metal, which is reflected in particular in terms such as structure and depth. It is about the essence, the essential, also in the mental sense such as spirituality. Mental clarity is a great strength of people with high share of Metal as well as being able to set clear limits and keep structure in daily life. In excess of Metal energy this could however lead to narrow-mindedness, inflexibility and isolation. Low Metal results in chaos and the inability to set boundaries.

The two organs lung (yin) and colon (yang) are assigned to the Metal element. The relation of the lungs to the air, to breathing and beyond that to the sky (meaning spirituality) quickly becomes clear. Its partner, the colon, corresponds to the characteristics of the inhalation and exhalation of the lung through the intake and release of food. In both cases one can speak of charging and discharging. Especially the principle of letting go plays an important role in this element.

One main aspect of the Metal element is exchange and communication. Is it possible to allow interaction with others or new ideas and let yourselves get touched inside as well as outside?

The first breath we take in life through our lungs is saying „Yes!“ to living and through all our life it will be the same saying „Yes!“ to everything that is new to us. If this attitude is blocked breathing becomes difficult, we might feel tightness in our breast or even pain.

On the other hand ageing as well is completely in the principle of the Metal. The body dwindles, while growth is concentrated in the spirit (wisdom). Wrinkles, bone loss, light hair are typical signs of physical ageing.

To summarize the clinical pictures of asthma (lungs) and constipation (colon) symbolise disturbances of the Metal element very easily. Asthma corresponds to not being able to breathe, constipation to not being able to let go. Rhythm and rituals can be of great help to balance the Metal element.

DISEASE PATTERNS when the element Metal is out of balance:
Dehydration (thirst, dry skin, dry airways, dry cough)
Skin irritations
Sinusitis, asthma, hay fever
Insomnia in the early hours of the morning (from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m.)

Season: Autumn
Time: Lung (yin/ascending) : 3-5am
Large intestine (yang/descending) : 5-7am
Basic feeling: Sadness, farewell
Sense: Smell, Nose and Skin („You really get up my nose!“)
Colour: white/silver

Los 5 elementos ~ EL METÁLICO

…Español muy pronto