The 5 elements ~ WATER

The 5 elements ~ WATER

In the cycle of the seasons, winter is attributed to the element of water. All life seems to have withdrawn, nature is frozen or asleep. But beneath the surface, energy gathers to create new life. The roots of the plants collect strength to sprout anew in spring. The energy is being concentrated in the seed. Beneath the frozen surface of the rivers, however, the water continues to flow incessantly.

The time of rest and regeneration corresponds to an intermediate stage of death – and rebirth! The flowing transition between stillness and movement, the flowing energy itself, is a symbol of the element of water.

In the Chinese theory of elements, it is said that all life comes from water. In this respect, the water element contains the will to live, the willpower and the courage to face one’s shadows and to be ready for new tasks. Perseverance, will, but also gentleness are the outstanding characteristics of water.

Courage involuntarily includes fear as an emotion. It can prevent us from acting too recklessly, but an excess of fear blocks the flow of life and stunts the will to survive.

DISEASE PATTERNS when the element WATER is out of balance:
Anxiety, overcautiousness, panic attacks
Low resilience, lack of vitality
Severe mental disorders, suicidal fanatasies („going into the water“)
Circulatory disorders (= juices are not flowing)
Joint pain
Kidney or bladder problems
Problems in the lumbar spine
Hearing difficulties

Season: Winter
Time: Kidneys (yin/ascending) : 5-7pm
Bladder (yang/descending) : 7-9pm
Basic feeling: Fear
Sense: Hearing
Color: Black/blue

Los 5 elementos ~ EL AGUA

…coming soon

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